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welcome to newgrounds!
thank u!
congrats to the winners!!!
I'll save you little guy
it's fun and I like it! amazing work aapiarts!
i didn't know there was a gun.. now I can murder-
Are you sure you aren't pressing up or down when infront of the ladders. He shouldn't grab them if you aren't pressing W or S. Glad you still liked the game!
might be great listening to this when drawing something xp
Glad you enjoy it!
i forgot to review it but obboi. this is amazing!
Thx :D
If I use the PRIS and CANIAC codes without buying things. does that mean I get a free coffee with 20% tips for being here?
Don't tell this secret trick to Maria
big improvement. woah
Thank you so much ^-^ A good couple of years of hard work has paid off at least XD
just a shy guy on the internet.
/hi! just to know that I will continue uploading new arts in whenever I get better at them. when the art is perfectly great. that's the only way to share it on newgrounds or any socialmedia.
icon by me!
art block :(
Age 19, leaf
UnArtistic Gamer
Joined on 4/11/19